Friday, May 29, 2009

Tiny Tots Theatre

New! Look for classes from 3-18 yrs. at the Park District...Acting ABCs, 123s and more!

"Small But Mighty
Training For Your
Little Star!"

Have you ever wondered if your child could captivate an audience as much as he does you?

Would you like to give your child a fun-tastic introduction to the world of theater?

Do you and your child need quality guidance for their career as a performer?

Then Tiny Tots Theatre is for you!
*Customized musical theater training in your home

*Group classes with friends for a discount

*Flexible dates, times and prices!

*End of session recital for family and friends

Drama Coach, Ta-Tanisha Jordan is a professional actor with 20 years experience in performing, a degree in theater from Princeton University, as well as a graduate student studying education in Kaplan University’s Masters’ program. Call 708-601-9337 or email at
Sample Activities include:

*Role-playing from your child’s favorite stories

*Improvisation based on basic emotions

*Storytelling lessons

*Vocal, facial and dancer warm-ups

*Practice singing different song styles (eg. cute, humorous, dramatic)

*Beginner ballet and jazz technique

3 tracks available

A- Private kiddie coaching

Full semester (12 sessions + interview)

1. Getting to know you sessions: child’s favorite shows, books and songs. Who would the child like to emulate? Gifts, talents, and learning style assessment

2. Parent interview: parent’s goals and observations of the child, discussion of best place for rehearsals and recital

3. Program referral based on these interviews

4. Program execution: 3 classes available per discipline

Acting, singing and/or dancing, based on a trajectory the children can relate to, a storybook’s beginning, middle and end.

5. Two recital rehearsals

6. Performance

B-Private kiddie coaching

½ semester (6 sessions + interview)

See 1-4

C-Custom Kiddie Class

Track A or B available

Save 30% or more by adding more children to your child's class!

D-Single session/Audition Preparation
$60 for hour

E-Values Management

Ask about career and portfolio consultation. Take advantage of below market rates for being among the first clients!

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